Infidelity, Cheating

Infidelity Counseling Virginia Beach
Call us at (757) 306-4232 to schedule your confidential appointment today

Infidelity can damage marriages and relationships. The pain and hurt that results from an affair takes time to work through. Infidelity can shatter even the strongest relationship, leaving behind feelings of betrayal, guilt, and anger.  For married couples who have suffered this breach of loyalty, overcoming those feelings can be extremely difficult.

But with the support of family, friends, marriage counseling, and each other, it is possible for a couple to put the cloud of an affair behind them, and in some cases, emerge as a stronger unit. Rita Davis, LCSW helps couples heal and work through their pain about the affair. With patience and a willingness to work on their marriage, marriage counseling can help some couples through the devastating effects of an affair.

Marriages are all different, and  how one couple deals with infidelity may be completely different than another one.   It is recommended marriage counseling is begun soon after infidelity is discovered, in order to adequately address what has occurred, and to discuss both partner’s feelings and views.  But, no matter how long it has been, marriage counseling can be an important part of marriage recovery… and to determine where the relationship is headed.